"JR気仙沼線 【前面展望 3】 陸前階上⇒本吉" (video). YouTube.com. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLX8uVynXZs. Retrieved 2011-04-26. video of a train trip from Rikuzen-Hashikami Station to Motoyoshi Station in 2009, passing through Ōya-Kaigan Station and Koganezawa Station without stopping at around 03:25 minutes and 06:30 minutes, respectively. Satellite photos (eg, in Google Maps) showed that large sections of track and railway bridges were severely affected or washed away by the 2011 tsunami. Rikuzen-Hashikami Station was undamaged, Ōya-Kaigan Station was badly damaged or destroyed, and Koganezawa Station was damaged.